Chapter XXXV. The Glorification Complete; Its Seventh and Last Stage, Accomplished during the Fourth Period of Adult Age.![]() ![]()
THIS final period which was that of the Passion of the Cross- the last temptation and victory, commenced after He ate the passover with His disciples, and ended at the resurrection. (L. 12 to 17; Matthew xxvi, 31; Mark xiv, 27; Luke xxii, 31; John xviii, 1.) The Glorification is now complete. During this stage the limbus was made Divine Good. The body was first made Divine Truth, then Divine Good (E 2nd Form). The Glorification was completed at the end of the last
Passion which extended to the Resurrection on the third day. See Doctrine
concerning the LORD 16 wherein are mentioned the particulars
of this Passion, and read 12 to 16, 34 and 35 of the same work, noting
especially the following words in their context, -
"The LORD put off the human from the mother, which in itself was like the human of another man, and thus material, and put on the Human from the Father which in Itself was like His Divine and thus substantial, from which the human was also made Divine. Hence the LORD in the Prophets, also as to the Human, is called JEHOVAH and GOD." "Since the Human of the LORD was glorified, that is, made Divine, therefore after death, He rose again on the third day, with His whole body; which is not the case with any man; for man rises as to the spirit only, but not as to the body... Since His body now was not material, but Divine-Substantial [substantiale Divinum] therefore He. came in to His disciples while the doors were shut. (John xx, 19, 26.) ... The LORD being now such was taken up and sat at the right hand of God... which signifies Divine Omnipotence." "Since the LORD, with the Divine and the Human united into one, ascended into heaven, and sat at the right hand of God, by which is signified Divine Omnipotence, it follows that His Human Substance or Essence is such as is His Divine [Substance or Essence]."-L. 34, 35. (See p. 141)