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Chapter XXIV. The Third Degree of Regeneration.
diagram presents man regenerated to the highest or celestial degree a
of his spiritual mind. The corresponding degrees of the natural, b
and c, are also regenerated and conjoined to the highest. He
now enjoys celestial perception. He leads a life the highest, purest, and
happiest possible, performing uses the most essential and universal, the
life and use of celestial love and wisdom and of inmost innocence and peace.
The measure of every recipient faculty in every plane is full. The lower
degrees of the spiritual mind opened and lived through as he passed on
to the highest are closed beneath the one he now inhabits. Still, gathering
their harvests of good and truth and garnering them in those lower planes,
he extracted their celestial essences and bore them with him to his lofty
home where the very primitives of the life and delight of the lower degrees
bloom and fructify to eternity. (AC 5114; HH 208.)
The whole natural man (except the gross body to be rejected)
is joined to the spiritual mind and ever after acts as one with it, the
willing servant of a heavenly lord and master. Dying in this state man
rises to an abode in the celestial heaven.
From the above concord of the natural with the spiritual
there is however this abatement, the vanquished but not exterminated evils
from the father and any actual evils that may have existed, though dormant,
still remain in the circumference of the spiritual-sensual and spiritual-corporeal.
These evils by the force of the ever increasing good within are continually
pressed out into the farthest verge of that plane, where (though dormant)
they cannot but emit deleterious effluvia which must sink from the highlands
where the angels reside down into the lowlands surrounding the hells. (AC
4564, 1414, 1444, 4551, 4552.) In the above abatement must be included
the limbus so far as tinctured with actual evil therein enrooted or affected
by the influence of unexterminated evil in the higher degrees.
ON page 59 we deferred our interpretation of the teaching
that with those who come into heaven, the limbus is below and the spiritual
above, but the reverse with those who come into hell. The whole passage
is as follows:
"The soul which is from the father is the man himself,
and the body, which is from the mother is not in itself the man, but from
him. The body is only the clothing of the soul woven of such [substances]
as are of the natural world; but the soul is of such [substances] as are
in the spiritual world. Every man after death lays aside the natural which
he carried from the mother and retains the spiritual which was from the
father, together with a certain limbus of the purest [substances] of nature
around it; but this limbus with those who come into heaven is below, and
the spiritual above, but the limbus, with those who come into hell, is
above, and the spiritual below; thence it is that a man-angel speaks from
heaven, thus what is good and true; but that a man-devil speaks from hell
while from his heart, and as it were from heaven while from his mouth;
this he does abroad, but that at home. "- TCR 103
This cannot mean that the limbus of the wicked is above their
spiritual organism. Natural substances being created from spiritual must
be below them and be their base. The wicked being in inverted order esteem
the sensuals and corporeals of the limbus as more valuable than the spiritual,
thus above the spiritual. With the good, true order is preserved, they
hold the spiritual as above and the sensual as beneath.
(AC 5076, 5077, 5094, 4552; TCR 402.)
We say man receives the Divine Love and Wisdom; but strictly
these are of such order and force that no finite human organism could bear
the least contact with them. What then is received? Men are organized of
created substances spiritual and natural and receive life from the LORD
which in itself is the inmost activity of the Divine Love and Wisdom.
(TCR 471, 472.) Even this life cannot be received as it is in the LORD but
as flowing forth from Him and moderated by the substances of the sun of
the spiritual world and the atmospheres through which it passes. This proceeding
Divine is dual, the activity of the Divine Love inmostly affecting man's
will and the activity of the Divine Wisdom affecting his understanding,
producing in them states correspondent to Love and Wisdom in the LORD.
(TCR 39.)
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