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< Chapter IV. The Mind: - Its Two Faculties, Will and Understanding. ^ Discrete Degrees ^ Chapter VI. The Internal and the External Mind. >

Chapter V. Will and Understanding. - Another View.

THIS diagram presents the will as a distinct faculty above the understanding, or, in simultaneous order, within the understanding. The will is called the celestial faculty and sometimes the celestial kingdom, and the understanding the spiritual; love is celestial, truth is spiritual. The will in every man and angel answers to the celestial kingdom of heaven, the understanding to the spiritual kingdom. (Consult Diagrams IX, X, XII.)

Considering the will as the highest and inmost degree and the understanding as the middle, the spiritual body D will be the lowest or outmost degree of the spirit. The spiritual body, however, is not another faculty, but merely an ultimate of the will and the understanding, so organized that by it the will and the understanding may enjoy outward sensation and give expression corresponding with affection and thought. In this view the mind constitutes the whole spirit of man, and the spirit is but an internal and an external will and understanding.

And as the material body is merely an intellectual and voluntary organism superadded for lowest and outmost sensation, perception and expression, it must be included when we say that the whole man is but an organic form of will and understanding. (DLW 358 to 432.)


Previous: Chapter IV. The Mind: - Its Two Faculties, Will and Understanding. Up: Discrete Degrees Next: Chapter VI. The Internal and the External Mind.

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V. Will and Understanding. - Another View.

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