Chapter XXX. The Glorification; Its Second Stage-Childhood.![]() Compare this diagram with Diagram XXIX. The degree a is red to denote that from Divine Truth it has become Divine Good; b is white being Divine Truth; c is green because truth divine, and being purer is tinted with white. The planes e and h are formed out and stored, and all the degrees of C and D (d e f g h and i) are advanced in their state of preparation for the great change they are to undergo. As the LORD in infancy gifted His corporeal and sensual with states of innocence, peace and love far surpassing those of other infants, so now in His childhood the love of knowing and the knowledge acquired and stored are indefinitely greater in amount and more excellent than with other children. (Compare this diagram and XXIX with XIX and XX.) This was because the Divine Itself was in Him and was glorifying His spiritual mind and thence flowing with increasing power into His natural mind. (TCR 89.) While His spiritual mind was being made Divine-and so far as made Divine-the degrees C D E (natural mind and body) were being made not actually Divine but more and more receptive of the Divine. (AC 2786.) We distinguish the natural body from the higher or mental parts of the Human, because the natural body with the LORD as with man in the world is only the lowest or outmost part of His Human. As the body is a part of the Human, it is of course included where the Writings teach that the LORD glorified the whole human which He assumed in the world. (AC 2083.) (See "Addendum," Chapter XXXV.) The Redemption wrought by the LORD while in the world kept pace with the successive changes effected in His Human. Redemption was accomplished by the same means as those changes, that is, by temptation combats with evil spirits and victories over them whereby those spirits were cast down first from their imaginary heavens in the world of spirits to the lower earth of that world and then into the hells. The LORD because a God of Love became a Man of War." (AC 8273, 8274.) "He went forth and fought against the nations" (Zech. xiv, 3); fought against the hells open and risen into the world of spirits, - fought against them, put them down and closed them by means of Truth from Love. During this stage by the strong influx of truth from His
spiritual mind, now becoming Divine, into the natural C coinciding
with the, world of spirits, He was gradually ejecting the wicked from their
usurped abodes to lower regions nearer the bells. See Apocalypse Explained
742, where we learn that the wicked were first cast from their false
heavens in the upper part of the world of spirits then into the lower part
near the bells, the bells being still lower. The heavens begin to breathe
again. Their distresses are abating. The saints that sleep in the world
of spirits are already feeling the dawn of a new day, but as their Sun
is not yet risen they cannot actually come forth from their graves and
enter the Holy City. (AE 744.)