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Words in Swedenborg
and Their Meanings in Modern English
by Rev. Frank Rose
(E - I)
EARTH (L. TELLUS) = world; planet (this
planet and others)
EARTH (L. TERRA) = land
(often "the land of Canaan")
EBULLITION = boiling up
EBULLIENT = boiling, bubbling
ECCLESIASTIC (n.) = priest; minister; member of a
religious order ***ECCLESIASTICAL = related to a church
***ECCLESIASTICAL ORDER = structure or order of command
in a church
***ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY = church history
***JURISDICTION = jurisdiction of the church
= selfish love of priests
or ministers ***(also transl. the ECCLESIASTIC'S LOVE OF SELF)
EDUCATION = upbringing or raising of children (at home
or in school)
EFFECT (v.) = bring about; cause; achieve
EFFECTUATE = make happen; cause
EFFERVESCE = boil up; bubble
***EFFERVESCENT = boiling over; bubbling up
EFFETE =worn out; useless; used up
EFFICIENT = causing something to happen
EFFIGY = image; idol
***EFFIGIED = presented in an image
EFFLUENT HEAT= radiating heat
EFFLUVIUM (L. pl. EFFLUVIA) = emanation;
vapor; odor
***EFFLUVIENT EXHALATIONS = bad-smelling vapors EFFLUX
= output; ***flowing out
EFFULGENT = shining brilliantly
***EFFULGENCE = brilliance
ELATED = conceited; lofty; with an inflated idea of
ELATION = conceit; pride; haughtiness
ELECT (n.) = chosen people; people who are saved
ELECT (v.) = choose; select
***ELECTION = predestination; being chosen by God for
heaven without ***regard to a person's quality
ELEMENTARY = basic, elemental
***ELEMENTARY FIRE = the basic element - fire
ELL = eighteen inches (45 centimeters); a cubit
ELUDE = avoid
EMETIC = something that produces vomiting
EMINENCE = hill, high point
EMINENT = outstanding
***EMINENT USE = outstanding position of usefulness
EMISSARY SPIRIT = messenger; spirit sent out as a
messenger (also called a SUBJECT SPIRIT)
EMIT = send out; radiate
EMPYEMATA (L.) = collections of pus
EMULATE = try to equal; compete; resemble; imitate
EMULATION = ambition; competition; rivalry
EMUNCTORY = organ for emptying or getting rid of
wastes (for example, when a person blows his nose he is using it as an emunctory)
EMULOUS = resembling; imitating
END = goal; purpose
ENDUE = endow; clothe; put on
ENERVATE = weaken
ENGRAFT = graft on to; implant (also transl. INOCULATE)
ENIGMATICAL = puzzling; like a riddle
ENJOIN = command; hand over responsibility
ENORMOUS = extremely wicked
***ENORMITY = extreme wickedness; atrocity
ENS RATIONIS (L.) = figment of the
mind; something existing only in the mind
ENTHUSIAST = fanatical person; someone who claims to
be "filled with God"
***ENTHUSIASTIC SPIRIT = fanatical person in the
spiritual world; spirit ***who claims
to be "filled with God"
***ENTHUSIASM = fanaticism
ENUNCIATE = speak out; proclaim
ENUNCIATOR= person who announces or proclaims
ENVELOPE = covering; border (see CUTANEOUS
ENVIRON (v.) = surround; enclose
EPHOD = 1. garment without sleeves put on top of other
clothes; 2. distinctive priestly garment
EQUINOCTIAL LINE = equator (also transl. EQUINOXIAL
ERUDITE = learned; educated
***ERUDITION = learning
ESSE (L.) = being; reality;
essential quality (from the Latin meaning "to be")
ESTEEM (v.) = judge; regard; evaluate
ETHER = the atmosphere or medium through which light
travels in space (also called the ETHEREAL ATMOSPHERE)
***ETHEREAL = not material; pertaining to the ether
EUCHARIST = communion; Holy Supper
***EUCHARISTIC = belonging to communion
EULOGIZER = person giving the talk or eulogy at a
funeral (also called
EVANESCENT HUES = fleeting colors
EVACUATOR = vessel for emptying out
EVIL OF FALSITY = evil that comes from false beliefs
(also called EVIL FROM FALSITY)
EVIL OF LIFE = evil in a person and in his life
EVIL SPIRIT = evil person in the world of spirits
EVINCE = show; reveal
EX POSTERIORI (L.) = from what is
later or lower
EX PRIORI (L.) = from earlier
things; from what is higher
EXASPERATE = irritate; make angry; rouse
***EXASPERATION OF LOVE = zeal; anger defending love
EXCITE = move to action; arouse
EXCITATION = arousal; irritation
EXCREMENTITIOUS = 1. excretory; for the elimination of
waste; 2. like excrement
EXCOGITATE = think out; devise
EXPIRATION = breathing out
EXCRESCENCE = abnormal growth; tumor; parasite
EXCULPATE = excuse; clear of blame
***EXCULPATION = removal of blame; amnesty; acquittal
EXECRATE (v.) = curse
***EXECRATION = curse
***EXECRABLE = cursed; damnable
EXEGESIS = explanation of texts in Scripture
EXHORTATION = urging; encouragement
EXINANITION = emptying out of the spirit; desolation
EXISTERE (L.) = standing forth;
coming into existence; presence; taking form
EXPIATE = atone for; reconcile; make amends
***EXPIATION = atonement; reconciliation
EXPLICATION = explanation; unfolding
EXPRESS = squeeze out
EXPUNGE = delete; blot out; erase; eliminate
EXSERTIONS = projections; extensions (opp. of INSERTIONS)
EXTANT = still in existence; not lost
EXTERIOR MAN = 1. somewhat external person; 2.
somewhat external part of a person
EXTERNAL CHURCH = 1. external aspect of religion; 2.
people who are mostly involved in external church activities
EXTERNAL GOOD = good actions; superficial acts of
EXTERNAL MAN = 1. external part of a person; 2. person
who is merely external
EXTERNALS OF THE CHURCH = worship services, rituals
and other activities
EXTERNAL SENSE = outward or literal meaning of
EXTERNAL TRUTH = 1. truth in the memory; 2. doctrinal
teachings and rituals
EXTIRPATE = banish; wipe out; pull up by the roots
EXTRA-CONJUGIAL = 1. adulterous; extramarital 2.
outside of marriage; non-marital
EXTRAVASATION = process of squeezing liquid out of a
container into the
surrounding area, as when blood is forced out of blood
vessels into the
surrounding tissue
EXTRICATE = set free; disentangle
***EXTRICATION = breaking out
EXTRINSIC = outward; from an outer source (opp. of INTRINSIC)
EXUDATION = oozing out
EXULT = rejoice
EXUVIAE = cast-off skins or coverings (as when an
animal molts)
FABULOUS STORY = fable; myth
***FABULOUS FAITH = belief in myths
FACETIOUS= witty; humorous
FACULTY = ability; power
FAITH = 1. belief; conviction about what is true 2.
trust; confidence
FALLACY = deceptive appearance
***FALLACIES OF THE SENSES = misleading physical
appearances (i.e.
***that the sun rises and sets)
***FALLACIOUS = misleading; deceptive
FALSITY OF EVIL = false idea or distortion of truth
caused by an evil desire (also called FALSITY FROM EVIL)
FANCIES = illusions; foolish ideas; imaginary concepts
FANE = temple
FANTASTIC= imaginary; visionary; fanciful (also
FANTASTIC VISIONS = imaginary visions
FASCICLE = 1. small bundle; 2. portion of a book ready
for binding
FATUOUS= foolish; unreal; illusory
***FATUOUS LIGHT = phosphorescent light; unreal or
deceptive light (also
***called IGNIS FATUUS)
FAUCES= 1. jaws; 2, narrow and dangerous passageway
FECULENT = foul; impure
FECUNDATE= make fertile; make fruitful
FEIGNEDLY = deceptively; fictitiously; in a fake
FELICITY = happiness; joy
FELICITIES = joys; happinesses
FERINE = savage; beastly; like a wild animal
FERRIAGE = fare paid to ride a ferry
FETID = smelling bad; stinking
FETTERS = shackles; foot chains
FILLETS = 1. bands; 2. strips of cloth on a headdress
with jewels attached
***FILLETS OF GOLD = gold strips
FILLETED PRIMATE = Bishop with a headdress or miter
(also transl. MITRED PRIMATE)
FIRSTS = beginnings; first things; things nearest to
God (also transl. PRIMES; opp.of ULTIMATES)
FIRST HEAVEN = lowest of the three heavens (also
FLAGITIOUSNESS = scandals; outrageous behaviors
FLUX = flow
FLUXION = flow; flowing; course
FOMENT = stir up; warm up
FORENSIC = 1. public; happening outside; 2. judicial
***FORENSIC DOCTRINE = publicly stated doctrine (which
may not agree
***with privately held beliefs, also transl. OUTSIDE
FORMULARY = 1. Liturgy; 2. collection of formulas
FORNICATORY LOVE = love of having sexual intercourse
with another
unmarried person
FORTUITOUS = by chance; accidental
FRACTIONATION = separation into parts
FRIENDSHIP OF LOVE = deep friendship; deep attachment
FRUCTIFY = be fruitful; produce fruit
***FRUCTIFICATION = being fruitful; bearing fruit
FURIES = avenging spirits; three mythological
goddesses of revenge
GENERALS= general things; general principles (opp. of PARTICULARS)
GENIAL LOVE = love belonging to your own
"genius" or nature; love one has by nature; love present in one's own disposition
GENIAL SPORT = enjoyable play
GENII = evil spirits of the worst kind
GENITOR = parent; father
GENIUS = 1. disposition; quality of a person;
character; 2. talent, inclination, quality or spirit of a people or nation
GENEROUS = strong
***GENEROUS HORSE = strong horse; thoroughbred
***GENEROUS WINE = strong wine; vintage wine
GENTILE = heathen; person outside of the church (in
the Old Testament a non-Jew; from the Christian point of view a non-Christian)
GENUINE CONJUGIAL LOVE = genuine love between married
GENUS (pl. GENERA) = class; group
GESTICULATE = make gestures
GESTICULATOR = mime; actor
GIVEN = (sometimes used in the expression IT IS
GIVEN meaning "it exists" or "it is permitted")
GLEBE = piece of land; part of a field; marsh
GLORIFICATION = making glorious; being exalted to
glory (the process by which Jesus became Divine)
GOOD (n.) = goodness
***GOOD OF CHARITY = the goodness of loving others
***GOOD OF FAITH = goodness that comes from living your
***GOOD OF LIFE = the good of doing things for others
from love
***GOOD OF LOVE = goodness that comes from love
***GOOD OF MUTUAL LOVE = the goodness of loving others
more than
***GOOD OF THE NATURAL = good qualities people acquire
from living
***according to their beliefs (also called
***GOOD OF TRUTH = goodness that comes from following
the truth; the
***goodness of loving the neighbor based on the truth (also called
***GOOD SPIRIT = good person in the World of Spirits (in
the early portion
***of ARCANA COELESTIA an angel of the first or
lowest heaven)
GOODS = 1. good qualities; good things; 2. merchandise
GRAND MAN = 1. the form of the entire heavens as the
body of the Lord; 2. the Lord's entire kingdom including heaven and the church
on earth; 3. The Lord (also called THE GREATEST MAN)
GRATUITOUS = free; freely given
GREAT TARTARY = area once overridden by the Tartars,
including China,
Mongolia, Tibet and parts of Russia (the Eastern and
larger portion of
GREATESTS = greatest things; things on the largest
possible scale (opp. of
GROSS = heavy; dense
GROSS BODY = the physical body as being crude and
heavy when compared to the spiritual body
GYMNASIUM (pl. GYMNASIA) = school or gathering
in the spiritual world to discuss ideas and exercise the mind
GYRATE = revolve around a point; spin
GYRE = spiral or circular motion
HABITACLE = dwelling place; habitation
HAUGHTINESS = conceit; pride (also transl. ELATION and
HEAVENLY = (usually transl. CELESTIAL)
***HEAVENLY CONJUGIAL = heavenly marriage; the marriage
within a
***person between beliefs and loves (also called THE HEAVENLY
heavenly teaching; heavenly viewpoint
***HEAVENLY MARRIAGE = marriage within a person between
beliefs and
***loves (also called THE HEAVENLY CONJUGIAL and THE
***HEAVENLY PROPRIUM = heavenly feeling of self given to
those who are
***willing to be led by the Lord
***HEAVENLY SENSE = meaning of the Word as understood by
the highest
***angels (also called THE CELESTIAL SENSE)
HEINOUS = unspeakably bad (also transl. NEFARIOUS)
HELICON or HELICONEUM = hill in the spiritual
world next to the lower hill called PARNASSUM
= people who live on HELICON
HEREDITARY EVIL = inherited evil; inborn tendencies
toward evil
HERESIARCH = heretic; someone who creates heresies
HETEROGENEOUS = mixed; made up of a variety of
different things
HETEROGENEITY = mixture of different things
HEXAGONAL = having six angles (also transl. SEXAGONAL)
HISTORICAL FAITH = faith based only on tradition;
faith based on the beliefs of others
HOMOGENOUS = similar in nature; of the same kind
HOMOGENEITY = mixture made up of similar things
HONESTY = honorableness; integrity; respectability
(not used to mean "truthfulness")
HORRIPILATION = hair standing on end; gooseflesh
HUMAN (n.) = humanness; humanity
HUMAN DIVINE = human nature with Divine qualities
(God as appearing through angels is called the HUMAN
HUMAN NATURE = the characteristic of being human
HUMOUR = body fluid; juice; secretion
HYACINTHINE BLUE = the color of a hyacinth flower
HYDRA = mythological nine-headed sea-monster
HYPERBOLE = exaggeration (also called HYPERBOLISM)
HYPERBOLICALLY = in an exaggerated way
HYPOSTATIC UNION = the underlying union between the
Divine and the Human aspects in Christ
HYPOSTATIC WORD = the Word as the Son of God in His
underlying relationship with the Father
IDEAL = unreal; imaginary; existing only as an idea
IDEALIST = one who believes that nothing really exists
except our own thoughts
and ideas
IDEALLY = in an imaginary way; in thought but
not in reality
IGNIS FATUUS = 1. phosphorescent light; unreal or
deceptive light; 2. the flame of marsh gas (also transl. FATUOUS LIGHT)
IGNOBLE = ordinary; of inferior quality; not noble
IIM (also spelled IJIM, Hebrew)
= howling animal or bird (Isaiah 13:22 transl. "wild beasts of the Islands" or "hyenas")
ILLIMITABLE = of unlimited number
ILLUMINE= shine light on; enlighten
ILLUMINATED = enlightened
ILLUMINATION = enlightenment
ILLUSTRATE = make clear; shed light on; enlighten
ILLUSTRATION = enlightenment
IMBIBE = drink; take in; be deeply impressed
IMBIBED PERSUASIONS = deeply impressed convictions or
IMBUE = absorb; impress with; stain deeply; soak up
IMMATERIAL = not physical
IMMATERIAL IDEAS= ideas formed from principles, or
from inner experiences (compare: MATERIAL IDEAS = ideas arising out of
experience with physical things)
IMMEDIATE = direct; without anything coming between
(not used to mean "right now")
IMMEDIATE INFLUX = direct inflowing
IMMEDIATE MERCY = mercy given directly or without
IMMEDIATE REVELATION = revelation given directly to
the individual
IMMISSION = being let into; admission
IMMUTABLE = unchangeable; cannot be altered
IMPIOUS = irreverent; irreligious
IMPLETION = 1. being filled; 2. filled with awe or
IMPORTUNE = beg; request
IMPOSITION OF HANDS = placement of hands on something
IMPOSTHUME = abscess; boil
IMPRUDENCE = thoughtlessness; lack of foresight;
IMPUTATION = giving of credit or blame; making account
IMPUTE = give credit or blame
IN = (used in the ordinary way, and also in the sense
of "in a condition or state" as "in good" meaning "in a state of
INANE = empty; void of meaning
INANITY = emptiness
PREDICATIONS OF INANITY = empty rhetoric; hollow
preachings INAUGURATE = introduce (especially by means of a
ceremony); ordain
INAUGURATION = introduction; ordination
INCARNATE (adj.) = in the flesh; in a body
INCARNATION = taking on a body of flesh
INCREMENTS = additions; increased amounts (opp. of DECREMENTS)
INCUBUS = 1. feeling of being suffocated; 2. nightmare
INDECOROUS = unsuitable; unattractive
INDEFINITE = very numerous; beyond counting; unlimited
INDETERMINATE = unbounded; without limits
INDETERMINATE IDEA = vague idea, not focused on a
person or object
INDOLENT = lazy; inactive
INDUCTION = introduction; transfer
good qualities
from one person to another
INEFFABLE = inexpressible
INERADICABLE = cannot be rooted out (also transl. INEXTIRPABLE)
INEXTRICABLE = cannot be disentangled
INFANT = baby; child up to the age of five years
INFATUATE = make foolish
INFELICITY = unhappiness; misfortune;
INFERIOR = lower; on a lower level (not necessarily
INFERNAL (adj.) = hellish; belonging to hell
INFERNAL CREW = devils working together as a crew
INFERNAL ORDER = perverted order of hell
INFERNAL SPIRIT = hellish person; devil
THE INFERNAL = the quality of hell
INFERNALS = people in hell
INFEST = disturb; attack
INFESTATION = disturbance; invasion; infesting
INFIDELITY =unbelief; faithlessness (not used to mean
"marital infidelity")
INFIRM = weak
THE INFIRM HUMAN = the human nature Jesus inherited
from Mary
with its weaknesses
INFLECTION = bending; swaying
INFLUENT= flowing in
INFLUX = input; inflow; influence
INFOLD = fold in; fold together; involve
INFRA = below; under; on a lower level
INFRA-CELESTIAL = below the celestial plane
INFRA-LAPSARIAN = someone who believes that God
decided after creation
who would go to heaven and who to hell (compare SUPRA-LAPSARIAN)
INFRA-SPIRITUAL = below the spiritual plane
INFUSE = pour into; insert into; immerse
INFUSION = pouring in; immersion; injection
INGENERATE = pass on by heredity
INGLORIOUS = shameless; without respect
INHERE = stick to
INIMICAL = hostile; unfriendly
INITIAMENT = beginning; introduction; first experience
INITIATE = introduce
INJUNCTION = vow; obligation
INMOST = deepest; on the highest level
INMOST SENSE OF THE WORD = deepest meaning of the Word
(also called
INNATE = born with
INNOCENCE = willingness to be led by the Lord
INNOVATE = introduce as new; renew; renovate;
fundamentally alter what has been established
INNOVATION = fundamental alteration of what has been
INNOVATOR = someone who fundamentally alters what has
been established
INOCULATE = engraft; implant
INOCULATION = engrafting
INORDINATE = disorderly
INSEATED = fixed; planted firmly
INSEMINATE = plant; sow
INSENSIBLE TO = insensitive to; unaware of
INSENSIBILITY = unconsciousness; unawareness
INSINUATE = insert; inject; put in; work into
INSTAURATE = renew; reestablish; restore
INTEGUMENT = covering; skin (including skins covering
the internal organs of the body)
INTELLECT = understanding; ability to understand;
power of discernment
INTELLECTUAL (n.) = the intellectual part of a person;
the understanding (usually transl. THE UNDERSTANDING)
INTELLECTUAL TRUTH = truth deeply understood;
spiritual insight; higher
INTELLECTUALLY = with understanding; in a way that is
understood INTENTIONALITY = will; ability to love, desire and
intend (usually transl. WILL)
INTERCOURSE = interaction; association between
relationship between soul and body
INTERIOR = inner; deeper
INTERIOR MAN = 1. deeper levels of a person's mind; 2.
the reasoning
part of a person; 3. spirit or soul
INTERIORS = inner parts of a person
INTERMEDIARY = mediator; go-between
INTERMEDIATE (adj.) = coming in between
INTERMEDIATE (n.) = someone or something that comes in
INTERMIT = discontinue; interrupt
INTERMISSION = interruption
INTERNAL (n.) = soul; inner reaches of the mind
THE HUMAN INTERNAL= the human soul; the inmost part of
a person
INTERNAL (adj.) = inside; inner
INTERNAL CHURCH = church in the hearts of people
INTERNAL OF THE CHURCH = deeper aspect of the church
INTERNAL COGITATIVE SENSE = inner ability to think
INTERNAL CONJUGIAL = deeper or spiritual aspect of
INTERNAL GOOD = inner quality of goodness
INTERNAL HISTORICAL SENSE = inner meaning of Scripture
as it applies to
the history of different churches (also called the PROXIMATE
MAN = spiritual part of a person; soul;
deepest part
MEN = people who live by internal principles
INTERNAL NATURAL = inner aspect of the natural mind
INTERNAL SENSE = spiritual meaning of Scripture (also
called the SPIRITUAL
INTERPOSITION = placing in between
INTERSTICE = in-between space
INTERSTITIAL = in the spaces or intervals between
INTESTINE (adj.) = inward; deeply felt; on a
"gut" level
INTIMATES = close friends
INTRANQUIL = not peaceful
INTRANQUILLITY = condition of not being peaceful
INTREPIDITY = courage; bravery; fearlessness
INTRINSIC = inward; from an inner source (opp. of EXTRINSIC)
INTROMIT = insert; introduce into
INTROMISSION = insertion into; introduction into
INTROSPECT = 1. look into; 2. look into oneself
INTUITION = insight; mental view
INUNDATE = flood
INUNDATION = flood; overflowing
INVECTIVE = verbal attack; blame; insult; criticism
INVEIGLED = lured; completely deceived
INVIOLATE (adj.) = pure; unimpaired; undefiled
INVOKE = call on; pray to
IRIS STONE = precious crystal casting rainbows (also
IRRADIATE = shine forth; light up
IRREFRAGABLE = undeniable
IRRUPTION = invasion to
to Introduction
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