Swedenborg Study.com

Online works based on the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg



  All the paragraphs in Swedenborg's Writings are numbered.  The typical citation of the Writings, then, consists of the initials, from the list below, indicating the title, followed by the paragraph number.  Thus, for instance, AC 771 refers to Arcana Coelestia, paragraph 771.

AC - Arcana Coelestia (1749-1756)
AE - Apocalypse Explained
AR - Apocalypse Revealed (1766)
Ath. - Athanasian Creed
BE - Brief Exposition (1769)
Can. - Canons
Char. - Doctrine of Charity
CL - Conjugial Love (1768)
CLJ - Continuation of The Last Judgment (1763)
Conv. Ang. - Conversations with Angels
Coro. - Coronis to TCR
De Conj. - On Marriage (posth.)
De Ver. - The Word from Experience
DLW - Divine Love and Wisdom (1763)
Docu. - Tafel's "Documents"
DP - Divine Providence (1764)
Ecc. Hist. - Ecclestiastical History of the New Church
EU - Earths -in the Universe (1758)
F - Doctrine of Faith (1763)
5 Mem. - Five Memorable Relations
HD - New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine (1758)
HH - Heaven and Hell (1758)
ISB - Intercourse of Soul and Body (1769)
Inv. - Invitation to the New Church
LJ - The Last Judgment (1758)
LJ post. - Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (posth.)
Life - Doctrine of Life (1763)
Lord - Doctrine of the Lord (1763)
Love - On the Divine Love
SD - The Spiritual Diary
SD min. - The Spiritual Diary Minor
SS - Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (1763)
TCR - The True Christian Religion (1771)
WE - The Word Explained (Adversaria)
WH - Concerning the "White Horse" (1758)
Wis. - On the Divine Wisdom


1 AC 6879
1a. Many statements to this effect may be found in "The History of Creation according to Moses," in "The Word Explained," nos. 1-27, and in certain early tracts such as "The Motion and Position of the Earth and the Planets."
2 AC 8891
3 Div. Wis. xii. 2
4 AC 3533e
5 DP 51, 48, AE 1130:3, 1131:2, TCR 29, 27 6TCR 31 8DLW 155 7TCR 30
6 TCR 31
7 TCR 30
8 DLW 155
9 Div. Wis. xii
10 DP 51
11 TCR 31, CL 328, AC 3404:2, SD 3476, 3457, 3482, DLW 156, AE 23
12 DLW 28
13 DLW 18
14 DLW 17
16 TCR 43
15 DLW 47
17 DLW 49
18 DLW 52, 53
19 DLW 283, 55
20 DLW 283
21 "The Infinite and the Final Cause of Creation," Part One, concluding
sentences. Wilkinson's translation (1847), pages 88-89.
22 TCR 76
23 DLW 154
24 Canons, God, iv. 7
25 ISB 9
26 AE 1207:3
27 TCR 280:8
28 TCR 33
29 TCR 75
30 Div. Wis. xii. e
31 Ibid.
32 DLW 97, EU 40
33 AE 121, AR 938, 465
34 DLW 152
35 TCR 33:2, DP 5, 6
36 DLW 291
37 Compare AE 726:4
38 DP 219
39 AC 5272
40 AC 8200e
41 Ath. Cr. 191
42 TCR 29
43 DLW 294
44 DLW 290ff, AC 10130:2
45 DLW 294
46 AC 10130:2
47 Canons, God, iv
48 CLJ 38, DLW 89f, 164, 353e, AC 5079e, 5084:2, CL 415:3, 6, AE 1208:2, etc.
49 DLW 158, 175, AE 1209:3
50 DLW 157
51 DLW 300
52 DP 6
53 Div. Wis. xii. 3:2
54 TCR 35:11
55 ISB 5
56 DLW 155, 300:2, DP 6, AC 6232:3, SD 1713f
57 Compare TCR 20, LJ post. 263
58 DP 6
59 SD 3484
60 DLW 155, 300
61 CL 220
62 AR 31, DLW 53, SD min. 4609
63 Div. Wis. xii. 4:2
64 AC 6232
65 AC 1590e
66 DP 6
67 AC 6232:3
67a AC 3702|
68 DLW 155, DP
69 Ath. Cr. 190, Div. Love, iii.
70 AE 412:16; compare HH 120
71 AC 7173
72 TCR 365:2
73 AC 7270
74 Compare AC 8443
75 Schure, Pythagoras, London 1923, page 101; Ang. Id
76 2 Econ. 251, WLG 25 note.
77 Ibid. 260. Note that this is a comparison or "correspondence," and does not identify the Spirit of God with the "celestial aura" of nature, which the Economy described as "inanimate." (Ibid. 199.)
78 AE 726:ii.
79 DLW 299
80 AC 9498f
81 AC 9534
82 AC 9499
83 AC 9502
84 AE 726:ii
85 Ath. Cr. 191
86 TCR 76
87 TCR 33
88 TCR 76
89 For the full text, see the Standard Edition of "Apocalypse Explained," vol. vi, pp. 473-475.
90 TCR 76; compare LJ post. 313. The latter passage explains that the spiritual atmospheres, "properly speaking, are not three but six - three above the sun of the world and three below it. The three below the sun of the world follow the natural atmospheres constantly (jugiter) and enable a man in the world to think and feel.
91 AE 1211:4, TCR 33, 76
92 AE 726:ii
93 DLW 174
94 CL 220
95 DLW 257, DP 319, 279
96 TCR 470
97 Div. Wis. xii. 5
98 SD 4293
99 Coro. 17:2, LJ post. 313, DLW 175
100 Div. Wis. xii. 5
101 Ang. Idea of Creation.
102 TCR 32:8
103 TCR 76
104 Coro. 17:2
105 DLW 176
106 Div. Wis. xii. 5:2
107 DLW 302
108 AE 1212:2
109 AE 1211
110 TCR 76
111 AC 6055f, 5114:3, 5146:2, 6326, 3691
112 LJ post. 322
113 AE 1196:2
114 LJ 9, DLW 167, AE 1218:2, 3
115 AE 1207:4  
116 DLW 315, etc.
117 DLW 156
118 Div. Wis. viii. 3
119 Coro . 19
120 DLW 154
121 TCR 31, 29
122 TCR 76
123 HH 106, 107
124 TCR 35:8
125 DLW 164
126 ISB 9
127 CL 380:12
128 DLW 157
129 DLW 89, 90, 164, CL 415:3, AC 5084:2
130 DLW 158, 175, 353e, AE 1209:3
131 DLW 157
132 CL 235:2, TCR 75, 44:2, AE 1206e, Div. Wis. xii. 1, DLW 93e, 166, 153;5 Mem. 17
133 SD 2757
134 DLW 158, 175, CL 320
135 LJ post. 313
136 DLW 157
137 AE 1209e
138 DLW 302
139 Div. Wis. viii. 2
140 CL 311:2
141 Div. Wis. viii. 2
142 AE 1219:5
143 Fragment from Codex 13, translated in Standard Edition of AE, vol. VI, p. 475.
144 AE 1210e
145 TCR 280:8, CL 320, 328
146 TCR 79
147 CL 320
148 DLW 83, 84, 353, 90
149 AE 1206:2
150 DLW 306
151 TCR 280:8
152 AE 1218e
153 DLW 229, compare AC 5084:4, LJ post. 263
154 ISB 17:2
157 CL 329
155 DP 6
158 TCR 20
156 DP 6
159 SD 2070
160 AC 8911
161 AC 3748e
162 AC 5173
163 AC 5116:2
164 AE 1206e
165 DLW 310
166 AC 8911
167 AC 8911. DLW 311. (Compare the Latin text and context.) DLW 218f, Coro. 30e, AE 1209:4, cp. WE 989
168 DLW 163, cp. 83
169 DLW 164
170 DLW 164, 165
171 DLW 166
172 TCR 35
173 AE 726, ii
174 TCR 32:8, 76, Coro. 17:2, LJ post. 312f, ISB 16:3, DLW 176, 191, 302; AE 726, ii; cp. SD 222, 418. In DLW 174 the atmospheres are described as "discreted substances and least forms" which singly receive the sun's heat and temper it.
175 Coro. 17:2
176 DLW 173
177 DLW 178
178 AC 5084:3. Compare DLW 81, 82, LJ post. 265
179 LJ post. 312
180 TCR 32:8
181 DLW 302
182 AE 1207:3, 1209:4
183 DLW 178
184 AE 1206:3. The relation of the natural atmospheres to the spiritual may be seen from DLW 175, TCR 76:3, LJ post. 313. Cp. CL 235.
185 Light and heat are said to be "uncreate," since they are only the activities or states of various receptive media such as atmospheres or other substances. See TCR 472, 40
186 AE 1206:4
187 DLW 184
188 TCR 76
189 Written about 1729, but never published by the author.
190 TCR 75e
191 WLG 15
192 WLG 22, note o
193 WLG 25, author's footnote.
194 AE 1208
195 LJ 9
196 DLW 310, 330
197 DLW 172
198 DLW 311
199 AE 1206e, DP 12. Compare the statement that earthly things "are not changed except according to the laws of natural order." (LJ post. 313.)
200 AE 1146:5
201 TCR 35:8, DLW 88, 341
202 DLW 310
203 This makes regeneration possible, in that natural affections can be dominated by a spiritual and rational end, and eventually be altered in quality.
204 DLW 312
205 DLW 65
206 DLW 61, 62, AE 1208:5
207 DLW 310
208 DLW 340
209 AC 5173e, DLW 315, 344
210 DLW 340, 344
211 Div. Wis. viii. 3
212 DLW 343
213 DLW 344
214 AE 1210, 1209
215 Ath. Cr. 26, 178
216 TCR 470, 499, DLW 310
217 DLW 310
218AC 4223, 4926
219 AE 1210
220 AE 1201
221 AE 1210
222 DLW 270
223 DLW 257
224 LJ post. 313
225 DLW 346
226 AE 1210-1212
227 TCR 78
228 Div. Love, viii
229 Div. Love, viii, DLW 327
230 DP 6
231 AE 1212
232 AC 5114e
233 Confer AE 1212
234 AE 1208
|235 DLW 166
236 Div. Wis. ii. 4
237 Div. Wis. iii. 4:3
238 AC 5114:5. Animal or plant souls are perpetuated as a species through the germ-plasm. But no surviving individual "limbus" is formed and retained, as with man. The life in their inmosts, which are natural, "relapses into nature." (See Div. Wis. viii. 2, 3, 4, 5.)
239 TCR 78
240 DLW 345, 339, 343
241AC 9441
242 DLW 170
243 DLW 327
244 Div. Wis. xiii. 4
245 LJ 9
246 AC 6057, TCR 71
247 DLW 66
248 DLW 65, 66, 346
249 DLW 65. The term "animal" was sometimes used by Swedenborg to denote a being with a soul (anima). Thus his studies in human physiology and psychology which he undertook in search of the soul's operations in the body, were entitled "The Animal Kingdom," more properly translated as "The Soul's Kingdom."
250 DLW 270
251 Compare WE 643, 919
252 AC 5689e
253AC 10076
254 ISB 12
255 AC 4727
256 AC 10125:2
257 TCR 166
258 WE 1457, AC 3633, DLW 388, 432
259 DLW 388
260 DLW 374
261 TCR 695
262 TCR 470, 103 263CL 315:11
264 Inv. 13, 48, CL 178, Div. Wis. vii. 2, 4
265 CL 220
266 CL 172
267 DLW 236, 239; compare 67, 245
268 DLW 239, 432
269 SD 4627:3, cp. 5548
270 HH 39, 435, LJ 25:5, 6
271 ISB 8
272 AC 1999:3, 4
273 Div. Wis. viii. 3
274 SD 4083-4086, 4066, AC 4523, 3628275 AC 6013, 6057, 3702:2; cp. DLW 17
276 SD 4063, etc.
277 Ath. Cr. 26, 178
278 SD 3148, 1708ff
279 SD 4064, 4065
280 SD 1708ff
281 SD 3972
282 SD 2591
283 He defends this idea in his manuscript on "The History of Creation as given by Moses," written in October the same year, 1745. (See Hist. Cr. 14, 21.)
284 WLG 29-38
285 AC 286, cp. SD 3390, TCR 466
286 LJ 9, SD 5187, 5607ff
287 TCR 583
288 SD 2794
289 TCR 103, DLW 257, Div. Wis. viii. 5, DP 220:2, 3
290 TCR 583
291 Div. Wis. viii. 4
292 HH 463
293 SD 5092
294 SD 4293
295 DLW 163
296 DLW 321, 322
297 AC 10130:2, 2489
298 AE 65, 342:10
299 AE 1211
300 SD 4845
301 DP 202, 203


Crown of Revelations
Rebirth, Reincarnation
The Holy Center
Salvation in the Gospels
Psychology of Marriage
Precious Stones
The Human Mind
The Moral Life
Saul, David & Solomon
Bible Lost & Found
The Human Soul
Genesis and Exodus
City of God
Swedenborg Cosmology
Ultimate Reality
The Pattern of Time
Means of Salvation
NC: Sex and Marriage
Book with Seven Seals
My Lord and My God
Philosopher, Metaphysician
Inspiration of Genesis
Growth of Mind
Words In Swedenborg
Book Expo
Missionary Talks
Tabernacle of Israel
A Brief View of the Heavenly Doctrines
Ancient Mythology
Odhner: Creation
Ten Commandments
Christ and The Trinity
Discrete Degrees
Body Correspondences
Language of Parable
The Ten Blessings
Creation in Genesis
The Third Source
Noble's "Appeal"
Life After Death


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