Bibliography of C.T. Odhner's Writings on Mythology
(All Published in the New-Church Life)
a. General:
1889: 141, 157, 177, 191; 1890: 20, 39, 59, 104, 138; 1905:
21, 79, 145, 270, 403, 649. Idolatry and Polytheism, origin of. 1889:
142, 145. Sun-Worship. 1907: 83, 160; 1900: 330.
b. Assyria and Babylonia:
1890: 20, 39, 59.
Legend of Oannes. 1888: 155
c. Canaanites: 1889: 157, 193
Adonai. 1889: 144, 192. Baal. 1889: 178, 192. Dagon. 1889:
144. Shaddai. 1889: 144.
d. Egyptian: (Introduction only) 1890: 104, 139.
e. Greek and Roman:
Apollo. 1906: 211. Ceres. 1905: 149. Chaos. 1905: 23.
Chronides. 1905: 31. Cupid. 1907: 27. Hebe. 1905: 406.
Juno. 1905: 89. Jupiter. 1905: 84. Mars. 1905: 403. Mercury.
1905: 649. Neptune. 1905: 145. Ouranos. 1905: 24. Pallas Athene.
1906: 347. Pluto. 1905: 270.
Prometheus and Pandora. 1909: 351.
Prosperpine. 1905: 275
Saturn. 1905: 28.
Spiritual World. 1905: 275.
Titans. 1905: 25.
Venus. 1906: 533.
Vesta. 1905: 79.
Vulcan. 1905: 593.
f. Scandinavian:
Northern mythology. 1889: 14.
g. Finland:
The Kalevala. J887: 71.
h. Cluniere Monotheism: 1904: 319
i. Ancient Legends:
Creation stories. 1908: 621.
Golden Age. 1904: 83.
The Fall. 1904: 125.
The Flood. 1904: 125, 252, 281.
Enoch and the Patriarchs. 1904: 252.
1908: Dec.
1904: Feb., March, May, June. 1905: Jan.; also p. 270.
CORRESPONDENCES OF CANAAN: A Study of the Spiritual Geography and History
of the Land and Nations of the Word. Academy Book Room, Bryn Athyn, Pa. 1911.
THE GOLDEN AGE: The Story of the Most Ancient Church. Academy Book Room,
Bryn Athyn, Pa. 1913.
THE CORRESPONDENCES OF EGYPT: A Study in the Theology of the Ancient Church.
Academy Book Room, Bryn Athyn, Pa. 1914.