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Index of Swedenborg's works quoted
Pr. |
Principia rerum naturalium sive novorum tentaminum phaenomena mundi
elementaris philosophice explicandi, Dresden and Leipzig, 1734. Transl.
into English by A. Clissold: The principia, or the first principles
of natural things, being new attempts toward a philosophical explanation
of the elementary world, London, 1846. Abridged tit.:
Principia. |
Oeconomia regni animalis anatomice, physice, et philosophice perlustratum,
London and Amsterdam, 1740-1741. Transl. into English by A. Clissold: The
economy of the Animal Kingdom, considered anatomically, physically, and
philosophically, London, 1843. Abridged tit.: Regnum animale. |
Cer. |
Venetian treatise on "The cerebrum", written in 1738, posth.
transl. and publ. by A. Acton: Three transactions on "The cerebrum,"
Swedenborg Scientific Association, Philadelphia, Pa., 1938. Abridged tit.:
Cerebrum. |
Fib. |
Emanuelis Swedenborgii Oeconomia regni animalis in transactiones
divisa III, written in 1740, posth. publ. by J.J.G. Wilkinson, London,
1847. Transl. into English by A. Acton: The medullary fibre of the brain
and the nerve fibre of the body. The arachnoid tunic. Disease of the fibre,
Philadelphia, Pa., 1918. Abridged tit.: Fibre. |
BR. |
The London Additions to "The Brain," written in 1744, posth.
transl. and publ. by R.L. Tafel: The Brain considered anatomically,
physiologically and philosophically, London, 1882-1887. |
Senses |
Emanuelis Swedenborgii Regnum animale anatomice, physice et philosophice
perlustratum IV, written in 1744, posth. publ. by J.F.I. Tafel, Tübingen
and London 1848. Transl. into English by E.S. Price: The five senses
by Emanuel Swedenborg, Philadelphia, Pa., 1914. Abridged tit.:
Senses. |
AK |
Regnum animale anatomice, physice, et philosophice perlustratum,
(Vols. I and II), The Hague, 1744; (Vol. III, London, 1745. Transl. into
English by J.J.G. Wilkinson: The Animal Kingdom considered anatomically,
physically and philosophically, London, 1843. Abridged tit.:
animale. |
JD |
The Journal of Dreams (Drömboken), English version by J.J.G.
Wilkinson revised by W.R. Woofenden, ed. by The Swedenborg Foundation Inc.,
New York, N.Y., US, 1977. |
WE |
Emanuelis Swedenborgii Adversaria in libros Veteris Testamenti,
written in 1745-1747, posth. publ. by J. Fr. Immanuel Tafel, Tubingen and
London, 1847-1854. Transl. into English by A. Acton: The Word of the
Old Testament Explained, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, USA, 1927-1948.
Abridged tit.: Adversaria. |
SD |
The spiritual diary - Records and Notes made by Emanuel Swedenborg
between 1746 and 1765: translation into English of Swedenborg's Diarium
spirituale by A.W. Acton (Vol. I), G. Bush and J.H. Smithson (Vols.
II-III), G. Bush and J. F. Buss (Vol. IV), and J.F. Buss (Vol. V), publ.
by The Swedenborg Society, London, and The Swedenborg Foundation Inc.,
New York, 1971-1978. Swedenborg himself didn't publish or put any title
to this diary. This was done for the first time by J.F.I. Tafel of Tubingen
University. In 1843-1846, Tafel transcribed and published the original
Latin manuscript, which is kept by the Royal Academy of Sciences of Stockholm.
Passages quoted have been collated with the Latin version. |
AC |
Arcana Caelestia quae in Scriptura Sacra seu Verbo Domini sunt,
detecta; hic primum quae in Genesi; una cum mirabilibus quae visa sunt
in mundo spirituum, et in coelo angelorum, London 1749-1756. Tansl.
into English by J.F. Potts et alia: Heavenly Arcana contained
in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, unfolded, beginning with the
Book of Genesis, together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits
and in the Heaven of Angels, The Swedenborg Society, various eds. and
reprintings, London 1916-1978. |
Sapientia angelica de Divino amore et de Divina sapientia, Amsterdam,
1763. Transl. into English by C. Harley and D.H. Harley with the colab.
of G.T. Hill: Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and Wisdom,
The Swedenborg Society, London, 1969. |
AE |
Apocalypsis explicata secundum sensum spiritualem, written in
1758-1759, posth. publ. in Latin and English by S.H. Worcester, New York,
1889-1894. |
AR |
Apocalypsis revelata in qua deteguntur arcana quae ibi praedicta
sunt, et hactenus recondita latuerunt, Amsterdam, 1766. Transl. into
English by F.F. Coulson, The Swedenborg Society, London, 1970. |
CL |
Deliciae sapientiae de amore conjugiali; post quas sequuntur voluptates
insaniae de amore scortatorio, Amsterdam, 1768. Transl. into English
by A.H. Searle: The Delights of Wisdom relating to Conjugial Love, after
which follow the Pleasures of Insanity relating to Scortatory Love,
The Swedenborg Society, London, 1891. |
Vera christiana religio continens universam theologiam Novae Ecclesiae,
Amsterdam, 1771. Transl. into English by Wm. C. Dick with the collaboration
of E.A. Sutton: The True Christian Religion, The Swedenborg Society,
London, 1975. |
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