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Online works based on the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


The Inhabited Universe

by Frederick L. Schnarr


When Swedenborg visited the spirits from earths in other solar systems, he found them to be essentially the same human beings as were all the inhabitants of the different planets, moons and satellites of our solar system. True, they were of a different genius from the peoples of our own system, serving different functions in the Grand Man of heaven; but nonetheless they all had, the same qualities and capacities which distinguish all human life from all animal, vegetable and mineral life. We have noted in previous articles that each solar system performs a different function in the Grand Man; and we can see how distinct and different is the use of each solar system from what is said concerning the length of time required for Swedenborg to be prepared to visit the spirits and angels from outside of our solar system, which was not so much the case when he visited those from ours.

In the other world, associations and movements from place to place depend upon the similarity or dissimilarity of the use, state and genius of the inmost loves and affections. When there is some desire or need to leave the normal state of one's permanent loves and affections, as is the case when one visits another society in heaven, when angels go into the hells to perform various works, or when spirits go to visit those from other planets, it is necessary that they be specially prepared by the Lord. The length of the journey one must take from place to place, or from state to state, depends on how much preparation is required to allow one's states of life to enter into others that are more or less foreign to them. The journeys made from place to place in the other world are just as real as are ours in this world, but the distances are not fixed there as they are here. When we travel here, the distance between one place and another is the same, no matter what state we are in; in other words, our state, or change of state, does not determine how long the journey will be, whereas in the other world it does. (See AC 9440, 9579-9581)

For Swedenborg to approach the spirits from earths outside of our solar system required many states of preparation, many changes in his state, by the Lord. Sometimes this required hours, sometimes days. As the changes were being made, Swedenborg journeyed through various areas of the spiritual world. We would note what is said of his experience in being prepared to leave this solar system to talk with the spirits from the first earth in the starry heaven.

"In a state of wakefulness I was led as to the spirit by the Lord, by means of angels, to a certain earth in the universe, accompanied by some spirits from this world. Our progress was made toward the right, and lasted two hours. Near the limit of our solar system there appeared at first a shining bright cloud, but dense, and beyond it a fiery smoke ascending out of a chasm. It was a vast gulf separating the solar world on that side from some worlds of the starry heavens. That fiery smoke appeared at a considerable distance. I was borne across the middle of it; and then there appeared beneath in that chasm or gulf very many men, who were spirits; for spirits appear in the human form, and actually are men; but whence they were and their quality was not given me to know. Yet one of them said to me that they were guards, lest spirits should pass from this world into another in the universe without leave having been given. That it was so was also confirmed; for some spirits who were in our company, but had not received the ability to pass over, when they came to that great interspace, began to cry out vehemently that they were perishing; for they were like those who are struggling in agony with death, and therefore they stopped on that side of the gulf, nor could they be taken any further, as the fiery smoke that exhaled from the gulf enveloped them and thus tortured them.

"Afterwards I was carried along through that great chasm, and at length I arrived at a place where I stopped; and there then appeared to me spirits overhead with whom it was given me to speak." (EU 128, 129)

Before proceeding to examine what is said concerning the earths in the starry heaven, we would note that Swedenborg was accompanied on nearly all of his journeys by spirits from our earth. To our knowledge, the Writings do not explain why this was necessary; but we would suppose that the spirits chosen to accompany him, although not always good, were somehow useful in making possible the changes of state necessary for him to be present with spirits from other earths. We would also draw attention again to the fact that wherever Swedenborg went, he found that spirits from our earth had previously been there; and that in every instance these had been wicked spirits, at that time resident in the world of spirits. That was before the Last Judgment had taken place in 1757; but more will be said about this in our last articles.

The First Earth in the Starry Heaven

As soon as Swedenborg began to talk with the spirits from the first earth in the starry heaven, he knew from their genius, their manner of speech, and how they understood and explained things that they were not from our solar system. They, in turn, quickly recognized that he was not from their system. (EU 129) The Writings describe these people as being "modest and somewhat simple, but yet they thought very well."(EU 131) Their character does not seem to be as good as that found on many of the planets in our solar system. The reasons for this lie in the fact that they worship an angel, and do not approach the Lord immediately. They told Swedenborg that an angel appears to them as a Divine Man, and instructs them and gives them perception as to how they are to live. They said that they know the Lord appeared to the angels in the spiritual sun of heaven, but they did not dare to worship the Lord because He was too great, and therefore they worshiped angels instead. (EU 130) Here is a false idea of God; and once again we see reflected in the character and customs of this people a falling away from heavenly order. Everywhere in the universe we find the same truth appearing, that the quality and character and mode of life of all people are determined by their concept and acknowledgment of the Lord. Where there is a flaw in the cornerstone, we will find flaws in everything that rests thereon - and there is nothing of human life that does not rest thereon.

We have seen that most of the inhabitants of the planets in the universe, at least in our system, are in innocence and in something of heavenly order. Most of them go naked. Not so the people of the first earth in the starry heaven. They wear clothes, described as being much like those worn by European peasants in Swedenborg's time. The men had a rather haughty and pompous walk, indicating that they were in somewhat of conceit. Certainly it is clear that evil and falsity exist on that earth, for Swedenborg was permitted to look into their hells, and was horrified by the monstrous and deformed faces he saw there. (EU 134, 137) The Writings by no means imply, however, that the general state of the people of that earth is evil. What is described is rather a general state of lesser good. Many things indicate that the manner of life described is to be found in the first or lowest heaven from our earth.

The people of this first earth in the starry heaven are generally of handsome figure and graceful carriage, and are apparently much like us in form. They have a rural and rather simple type of life. That they tend to be a somewhat external people is indicated by the statement that they have laws which make it illegal to have more than one wife. On some other planets, where conjugial love exists more fully, there is no necessity for such laws; it is a matter of heavenly perception. (EU 134)

We are told very little about the nature of this particular earth. Swedenborg saw "many meadows and woods with leafy trees, and also woolly sheep." (EU 134) When he asked them how their sun appeared to them, they said that it appeared flamy and smaller than ours. Obviously these people, like all the others we have considered, had little or nothing in the way of the natural sciences, arts or crafts. Swedenborg listed and explained to them many of our sciences, arts and crafts, and again it was mentioned that these do not exist anywhere else in the universe than on our earth. (EU 133, 136)

The Second Earth in the Starry Heaven

To be able to talk with the spirits from the second earth in the starry heaven, Swedenborg had to undergo preparatory changes of state that lasted for two days. This is the longest period of such preparation mentioned in the Writings. Because of its length, Swedenborg concluded that the people of that earth are of a genius greatly different from the genius of our earth. Angels from our earth told him that the spirits from that earth have reference in the Grand Man to "keenness of vision," and have the quality of being "clearsighted." Because of this, he likened them to eagles. Apparently these spirits knew what eagles are, for they became indignant, thinking that Swedenborg was likening them to evil birds of prey. He explained, however, that he was referring to the eagle's keen and clear sight from on high, at which they were satisfied. (See EU 138, 140)

Nothing is stated directly concerning the character of the peoples from the second earth, but we may judge of it to some extent from what is said about various other things, such as their worship and their way of life. When asked about the nature of the God they worshiped, they said that they worship God "visible and invisible"; God visible under the human form, and God invisible not under any form. It very quickly became evident to Swedenborg that they worshiped the Lord much as we do; indeed they even called Him, the Lord. This was true of most of the people of that earth. However, Swedenborg talked with some who were idolaters, who were worshiping idols of stone carved in the form of a man. In talking with such spirits, he instructed them that the only way they could be conjoined with the invisible God was through the knowledge and acknowledgment of God in His Human. That some of them do not even acknowledge this is evident to us from a reference to there being hells formed also from this second earth. (EU 141. 142, 147)

The spirits of the second earth told Swedenborg that they have no princes or kings to rule them, but that they live distinguished into nations, families and houses. When he asked them if they were safe living in that way, they again became indignant with him for implying that they might have robbers in their midst. They told him they did not envy their neighbors their possessions. "What more is needed," they said, "than to have food and clothing, and so to dwell contented and quiet under themselves?" (EU 143)

In physical appearance the people of the second earth are much like us, except they have smaller eyes and noses. These people also wear garments, and they told Swedenborg some interesting things about how they make them from plant fibers.

"They gather such things as they can spin into threads . . . they then lay the threads side by side in double and triple layers, and moisten them with a glutinous liquid, and so give it consistency, coloring it afterwards with juices from herbs. I was likewise shown how they prepare the threads: they sit leaning back on a seat, and twist the thread with the toes; and when it is twisted, they draw it to them, and finish it with the hands." (EU 146)

The parents of the second earth in the starry heaven must spend much time making clothing, for couples with from ten to fifteen children are mentioned as having average families. While a husband has only one wife on that earth, it is said that there are harlots there - a fact that is not mentioned in connection with any other earth than our own. (See EU 146, 147)

Describing to Swedenborg some things about the second earth, spirits from it stated that the inhabitants see their sun as about the size of a man's head, and that it appears fiery. Angels told him that their sun is among the smaller stars in the universe. The spirits also said that on their earth they have "meadows, flower gardens, woods full of fruit trees, and also lakes in which are fish; and they have birds of an azure color with golden wings, and animals of various sizes. They did not, however, eat the flesh of these animals, but only the flesh of fishes and also the fruits of trees and certain leguminous plants. They said further that they do not build houses, but dwell in groves, in which they make shelters for themselves among the foliage against rain and the heat of the sun. (See EU 144, 145)

The Third Earth in the Starry Heaven

The people of the third earth appear to be very much in the order of heaven. Such a heavenly sphere breathes forth from the spirits from that earth that the spirits from our earth cannot bear to be in their presence.
319 When Swedenborg approached them, accompanied by some spirits from our earth, these became ill at ease, for the nature of the spirits from our earth was quickly observed. In fact, the spirits of the third earth would not talk to him until some of the spirits with him had left. (See EU 148)

The spirits from the third earth are utterly averse to thinking or speaking of anything bodily or material. So much is this the case that in the other world, when seen at a distance, they appear to others as clouds; dark if there is something evil or false with them, and azure blue if there is something heavenly. (EU 140)

These spirits worship the Lord in the human form, and have an open communication with spirits and angels by whom they are instructed and sometimes punished. The only falsity they had was the thought that man's spirit actually existed from eternity and was infused into the body at conception. When they found that this was not true, they quickly repented of it. Evil exists on that earth, but it is held under control by the Lord. If anyone thinks and does evil, he is reproved by a certain spirit, who threatens death to him if he persists in so doing. If he persists, he dies in a swoon. In this way the men of that earth are preserved from the contamination of evil. While some fall into evil, the Writings make it clear that the general state of these people is good. They are said to be an upright and virtuous people, who continually turn their thoughts to heavenly things. If one does evil to another; the victim bears no ill will and harbors no thought of revenge. (See EU 149, 154; AC 10,517)

When Swedenborg asked the spirits of the third earth whether they wanted to see some of the magnificent palaces we have on our earth, they replied that they did not. However, they were made to see them anyway. They did not like what they saw, saying that they disliked things made of stone, and much preferred their own palaces which they made of wood.(EU 150) We would note that the places of worship and the homes of the celestial angels are made of wood in preference to stone because wood is a more living representative of the life of good; not just the life of truth, which is represented by stone. The spirits of the third earth showed Swedenborg and some spirits from our earth the sanctuaries of wood that they had on their earth, and our spirits confessed that they had seen nothing more magnificent. The description given of one of these sanctuaries is quoted because it is so beautiful.

"They were constructed of trees, not cut down, but growing in their native soil They said that on their earth there were trees of wonderful growth and height. These from their beginnings they arrange in order, so that they serve for porticoes and walks, and by cutting and pruning the branches when they are tender, they fit and prepare them so that while they are growing they may intertwine and unite to make the base and floor of the sanctuary, rise on the sides for the walls, and bend above into arches for the roof. By these means they construct the sanctuary with admirable art, elevated high above the earth, and they also prepare an ascent into it by successive branches of the trees extending out and firmly connected. Moreover they adorn the sanctuary without and within in various ways, by bending the leafy bows into various forms. Thus they build entire groves." (EU 1510

Swedenborg was not allowed to see the inside of these sanctuaries, but was told that "the light of the sun is let into them through apertures between the branches, and is here and there transmitted through crystals, by which the light falling on the walls is variegated, like the colors of the rainbow; especially the colors blue and orange, which they love more than the rest." Do we wonder from this description that they did not think much of our palaces (EU 151)

The people of the third earth do not live in societies, but separately, house by house, coming together into a society only for worship. Their houses are low, oblong cottages. All along one wall is a couch, on which they lie one after another. On the side opposite the door is a semicircular recess, before which is a table, and behind this is a fireplace by which the whole room is lighted. They do not have a burning fire in the fireplace, but a luminous wood which gives out as much light as the flame of a wood fire. They said that these pieces of wood appeared in the evening like a fire of burning coals. (EU 152, 153)

One earthly thing did interest the spirits from the third earth, and that was the fact that we had Divine revelation in a written form. They wondered why such an amazing art as writing should exist on our earth when it is not found anywhere else. However, they quickly understood that our people, being so external, could not have open communication with heaven, and that where this was not possible the Lord could only approach them through such a means. (EU 155) This passage will be referred to again when we consider the possible uses of this earth to other earths.

The Fourth Earth in the Starry Heaven

We mentioned in a previous article that the treatment of the subject of the earths in the universe is not entirely the same in Arcana Coelestia as it is in the work of that name. One of the most notable, and possibly confusing, differences is that the Arcana treats of six earths in the starry heavens, while Earths in the Universe treats only of five. The fourth earth mentioned in the Arcana is not to be found in Earths in the Universe. The description of the fifth earth in the former work is the same as that of the fourth earth in the latter; and the sixth earth in the Arcana is the same as the fifth in Earths in the Universe. In treating of the fourth earth here, therefore, we are following the Arcana series.

Swedenborg did not go to meet with the spirits from the fourth earth, but they were brought to him. So different was their genius from that of the people of our earth, including Swedenborg himself, that in order to speak with them they first had to be brought into the presence of the spirits from Mars. The Martian spirits thus furnished a necessary intermediate state. It soon became evident that the reason they could so serve was that the spirits of the fourth earth had the same general manner of speech as did the spirits of Mars: a partially quiet, inarticulate speech, with ideas and affections being communicated through the expression of the face, especially that of the eyes and the mouth. These spirits told Swedenborg that, when speaking among themselves, they "speak to the use." They said that there were some in the universe who speak to the fifth use, some to the seventh, and so on, all the way up to the fiftieth use; and they explained that speaking to the use means speaking remotely from the thing that is the subject of the discourse. This they illustrated in the following manner. When someone is in a place of worship, and it is asked where he is, they do not say that he is there, but that he is not at home, that he is far from his house, and so on. By this they mean that he is with God, thus in the place of worship, for he is who is in a place of worship is with God, and in so far as he is with God he is not at home, or in his own house. (See AC 10,585-10,588, 10,708-10,709)

Because the spirits of our earth, and those of Mercury, think and speak from the thing itself, and not remotely in this manner, the spirits of the fourth earth cannot be brought together with them. Most of the spirits from that earth worship the Lord. However, many of those who are more simple practice a form of idolatry. They choose an old man, apparently always bearded, and set him up as king and high priest; worshiping him and following his manner of living. Swedenborg saw one who permitted himself to be worshiped after death, and he was severely punished, and then cast into hell. (See AC 10,701, 10,711)

Nothing is said about the physical appearance of the people of the fourth earth. When Swedenborg endeavored to show them some of the objects that are to be found on our earth they showed little interest. (See AC 10,712)

The Fifth Earth in the Starry Heaven

When Swedenborg was to visit the spirits of the fifth earth, (Called the fourth earth in Earths in the Universe) his preparation took ten hours. On this journey he was accompanied by a Christian preacher out of the world of spirits from our earth. This preacher turned out to be a most unsavory character! He tried to introduce falsities concerning God, and in many ways endeavored to lead the spirits of the fifth earth into evils and falsities. Much is said of his experience with the people of the fifth earth, but this will be discussed when we consider the nature of the inhabitants of our own earth. We would merely note that constant reference is made to the diabolical nature of many of the people from our earth, and their insane activity in trying to seduce others into the denial of the Lord. (See AC 10,734-10,736)

Little is said about the character of the people from the fifth earth. Generally, a state of heavenly order seems to predominate, for these people still have open communication with heaven. Spirits and angels appear to them as they did to many people on our earth at one time. They do not even know when they talk to a spirit or an angel, for these appear to be men and women living on their earth. It is only when he suddenly vanishes that they know they have been in the presence of a spirit or an angel. In this connection we recall the angels who appeared to Abraham, Lot, Joshua, Manoah and others, and that it was not at first known that they were angels. (See AC 10,751)

The spirits of the fifth earth think of God as a Divine Man; they repulsed and rejected any other idea which the spirits from our earth tried to introduce to them. However, that some way might be found for introducing false ideas seems evident from the fact that some are apparently in evil and falsity already. Indeed it would seem that there is a number of various states existing on the fifth earth. Some of the inhabitants, for example, are said to be naked because they are in innocence; others to be naked because in lustful passion; and others again to be clothed in beautiful but simple garments. (See AC 10,737, 10,753-10,757)

The people of the fifth earth, who are described as being for the most part handsome and beautiful, live a rural and quiet existence. Young women were seen pasturing sheep and lambs, and leading them to drink water from little channels that flowed forth from a lake. The sheep that were seen were large and had woolly, broad and long tails. The dwellings that were seen were large, low, tent-like structures with windows on the sides according to the number of rooms into which they were divided. The roof was rounded, and each dwelling had a door at either end. Swedenborg was told that these houses were made of earth and were roofed with sods. The windows were made of grassy threads, woven together in such a way that the light could shine through. The houses are set apart from each other, but Swedenborg was told that the families visit one another, especially those with children, so that the children can be with others, but under adult supervision. (See AC 10,754, 10,769)

The people of the fifth earth are different from those of many other earths in that they keep domestic animals for use, and also plant gardens. Swedenborg saw fields of wheat ready for harvest; also flowers, fruits and plantations. He was informed that on that earth they have a fifteen hour day, and only two hundred days in a year. Their sun seems to be about one-fourth the size of ours. (See AC 10,770, 10,771)

The Sixth Earth in the Starry Heaven

It took twelve hours to prepare Swedenborg to meet the spirits from the sixth earth, (Called the fifth earth in Earths in the Universe) and again he was accompanied by spirits and angels from our earth. This time, however, the spirits were good. Even so, the spirits from the sixth earth were cautious about receiving them, for they, too, had had previous experience with spirits from our earth that had disturbed them. They told Swedenborg that these spirits had tried to get them to come together into cities and societies, telling them that there were many things to be gained thereby. The spirits of the sixth earth, who were in the perception of celestial order, however, at once saw the intent of that effort - that their compliance would make it easier for false spirits from our earth to gain a foothold and eventually set up a kingdom of their own. At this point the Writings give considerable instruction as to how cities came into being as means of protection against evil powers. Where there are no such powers, neither is there the need for cities. We would note that there is no indication of the existence of cities on any earth but our own. Nor do they exist in the celestial heaven. *AC 10,786-10,787, 10,812-10,814)

In the world of spirits from the sixth earth, Swedenborg witnessed a minor judgment taking place, in many respects very much like the judgements described as occurring in the world of spirits from our earth before the Last Judgment itself. A dim cloud was seen in the east at some height. When this gradually descended, it appeared bright and in the human form. Finally this form became a flaming radiance, around which were little stars of the same color. Thus did the Lord appear in the midst of an angelic society when coming into the world of spirits to bring about a judgment. We will not enter into the details, but we would note again that even on an earth where there is celestial order, there is also something of evil and falsity. (AC 10,809-10,812)

The people of the sixth earth receive revelation from angels when they are midway between waking and sleeping:

"They then hear angels of heaven speaking about truths Divine and a life according to them; and . . . when they become awake, an angel appears to them at the bedside in a white garment, who then suddenly disappears from their eyes, and from this they know that the things which they have heard are from heaven. In this way a vision of Divine origin is distinguished from a vision that is not Divine; for no angel appears in a vision that is not Divine." (AC 10,833)

The spirits of the sixth earth told Swedenborg that they meet together every thirtieth day for worship and hear a sermon from a preacher. The preachers also are taught through visions. (ibid).

Every effort is made by the inhabitants of the sixth earth to preserve an order in which conjugial love can flourish. They have a most unusual custom in connection with the selection of partners. There are "wedding houses" in which the marriageable young ladies gather under the supervision of an elderly man and woman. The young ladies, who are naked, stand behind a screen, so that only the upper part of the body is exposed. The young men who are old enough to be looking for their partners go to these wedding houses, which are opened from time to time, to see if they can find a wife. If a young man is successful, which he usually knows immediately from the expression of the eyes and the mouth, he offers the young lady his hand. If she goes with him, he takes her to a house which has been prepared, and they are then husband and wife. If she does not go, or if he cannot find the right one after looking in the different wedding houses, he waits until another time. On that earth a husband never has more than one wife. We may certainly see in this custom something of the order of marriage that exists in heaven, although, naturally, it is not a perfect image. (AC 10,837)

There is only a nine-hour day on the sixth earth, and their year is two hundred days long. Because of this they have perpetual spring and summer. The fields are in bloom and the trees bear fruit continuously. Swedenborg was told that the people live on fruits and vegetables. They also have cows, woolly like sheep, from which they take milk that is mixed with water and then drunk. Their houses are low and made of wood, with a flat roof around which is a coping sloping downward. The husband and wife live in the front part of the house, the children and servants in the rear. Both children and adults go about quite naked; for these people are in innocence, and nakedness does not inspire shame or lascivious thoughts. (AC 10,834-10,836)


It is not easy to understand why the Lord has revealed all this information about the planets of our solar system and the earths in the starry heaven. However, there are reasons, obviously important ones; otherwise this information would not have been given. We will consider these reasons in our next two articles.

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The Starry Heaven
Revealed Knowledge
Inhabited Universe 1
Hard Sayings
How should those in the Church regard the Teachings Concerning the Earths in the Universe?, by Philip Odhner, 1969
Absent Other Worlds
What God Revealed?
The Spiritual Universe
About Moon-Dwellers
Men Upon the Moon
Around the Lord
Life on the Moon
Worlds in Space
Planets Outside
On Mars
Earth in the Universe
Was Life on Mars?
Swedenborg & Dr. Oz


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