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9. Do we see God in the life after death?
The God of Heaven is the Lord Jesus Christ. There
is no God beside Him. The minds of Christians have been confused by a
misinterpretation of the teachings of the New Testament, to the effect that the
Father and the Holy Spirit are different in person from the Lord. The true
Christian teaching is that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are one in
the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. As Paul said, "In Him dwelleth all the
fullness of the Godhead bodily." (Col. 2:9.) The Father is the Lord's soul,
which is in Him as the soul is in man. The Son is the Human which the Lord
assumed by birth in this world. The Holy Spirit is the Divine which proceeds
from Him into the minds of all human beings, regenerating them and raising them
to Himself in heaven. There are not three Divines, but one; nor three persons,
but one, and that one is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The Lord appears in heaven at certain times before
the eyes of the angels, and when He appears He is seen as He was in the world,
of a like countenance and stature, His face "shining like
the sun in its strength" as described by John in the Apocalypse (Apoc. 1:16.)
But it must be known that the Lord is not among the angels as one of them, nor
does He rule over them in person as a king of this world over his subjects. The
Lord is with the angels as their life, as the Love and
Wisdom of their will and understanding. He is thus most truly and intimately
present in all their affections and thoughts, since these all are from Him, and
are His; yea, it is He Himself in them. The angels also see the Lord represented
outside of themselves as the sun of Heaven from which come their spiritual heat
and light, which are their love and wisdom. The Lord is thus spiritually
omnipresent with the angels as all that is good and true with them. So also He
is present with the spirits of men while they live in this world. The angels
thus see God in all that is good and true. But on occasion for the sake of
special uses they see Him also in His Divine person.
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