After death a man lives on in every respect the
same as before except that he is no longer clothed with a material body, but
lives in a spiritual body which is the true form of his love. Man retains
everything of his love and its affections, every thing of his thought,
everything of his memory. The whole of what we call his personality continues
without the least change. Indeed the truth is that a man's character there comes
into its own, for there is much in our spirit which we cannot express in this
world due to imperfections of the natural body, but the spiritual body is of
living spiritual substance and not of dead material substance, and in it the
love and thought of man are imaged forth perfectly. The face, the hands,
everything of the spiritual body reveal to all the character of the man. Certain
changes would be brought about in our external appearance because of this. Those
of deformed body in this world would not so appear in the other world, since
such deformity is of the material alone, and not of the spirit. Those who are
old and worn out with age would appear once again young and beautiful, since age
with its decrepitude and wrinkles are of the material body, and not of the
spirit. On the other hand, those of a deformed spirit, those who are selfish and
avaricious and cruel, would appear in the spiritual world as ugly and monstrous,
thus as their true selves, no matter how young and beautiful they may have
seemed here.