CONTENTSIF THOU BRING THY GIFT TO THE ALTAR .... 7 A SOWER WENT FORTH TO SOW 14 SUFFICIENT UNTO THE DAY IS THE EVIL THEREOF . . 23 THE FIRST BEATITUDE 30 LORD, I BELIEVE 38VINEGAR AND GALL 46THE EASY YOKE 53 UNKNOWN FOOTSTEPS 60THE HOME OF THE PROPHET 67GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD . . . -74 SPARROWS SOLD FOR A FARTHING 82 THE WRATH OF GOD 89THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD 96THE FORMER THINGS ARE PASSED AWAY .... IO4 THE GREAT SUPPER II4"And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones".Revelation 21: 19. * " In the Word, a stone signifies truth in ultimates, and a precious stone truth transparent from good". Apocalypse Revealed 231. * "... a precious stone signifies the Divine Truth of the Word ".Apocalypse Revealed 897. * "In heaven all precious stones derive their origin from the ultimates of the Word and their transparency from the spiritual sense of those ultimates".Apocalypse Revealed 231.