Swedenborg Study.com

Online works based on the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


1743     July               Leaves Sweden           
     A                                   Animal Kingdom I, II 
     S                                   " 
     0                                   "      
     N                                   " 
     D               First Appearance          " 
1744 J      Holland                         " 
     F                                   "                     
     M               Temptations               "               Journal of Dreams 
     A               2nd and 3rd Appearances                         " 
     M               4th Appearance          ? Hier. Key               " 
     J               Saw a fly               Animal Kingdom III          " 
     J                                   "                    " 
     A               Tasted wine               "                    " 
     S               Smelt and heard          "                    " 
     0               Enrolled in heaven      
     N     England                         Worship and Love of God 
     D                                   " 
1745 J     England                       " 
     F                                   " 
     M                                   " 
     A               5th Appearance - CALL      
     M                                   Messiah about to Come 
     J                                   " 
     J                                   " 
     S                                                  Bible Index 
     0               1st Ref. To 2nd Coming     History of Creation          Historical & 
     N               First Memorable Relations     Word Explained          Gospels 
     D                                   " 
1746 J                                   " 
     F                                   " 
     M                                   "                    Bible 
     A                                   "                    Index 

     M     Sweden                         "                    Historical      
     J               Study of Hebrew          "                    Names 
     J                                   " 
     A                                   " 
     S                                   " 
     0                                   " 
     N                                   " 
     D                                   " 
1747 J                                   " 
     F                                   " 
     J               Retirement 
     A               7th Aug. Change of State     Spiritual Diary          Bible Index 
     S               Into Celestial Kingdom     "                    " Proph. Names 
     0                                   "                    Bible Index 
     N                                   "                    Prophets 
     D                                   "                    " 
1748 J     Holland                         "                    " 
     F                                   "                    " 
     M                                   "                    " 
     A                                   "                    " 
     M                                   "                    " 
     J                                   "                    Index to SD 
     J                                   "                    " 
     A                                   "                    " 
     S                                   "                     " 
     0                                   " Arcana Coelestia 
     N                                   " " 
     D     England 



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